Pet Scams
Don’t be misled by pet scammers.
Have you found an unbelievable deal on a new pet and the seller has asked you to pay for shipping via Western Union or Money Gram? It is most likely a scam. Fake pet adoption scams are all over the Internet.
Pet scams are on the rise
People running pet scams will say anything to try to grab your attention and convince you to send them money. They may even sound believable. “FREE PET! Just pay for shipping. Here is the name of the shipper: AeroPets Animal Transport”. Do your research on pet suppliers, and contact us immediately if you think you’ve been targeted. Always be on the lookout so that you don’t become a victim.
Some warning signs:
- Purebred animals are never free. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- The seller has directed you to us through a website that is not, but is some sort of variation.
- The seller is contacting you through a free email service such as gmail or yahoo.
- Payment is required in a non-refundable method. Reputable pet transport companies do not require payment via such means, neither will a legitimate business ask you to lie to a finance agent about the intended use of your money.
- The phone number they have given you is false or does not connect.
To report a pet scam you can contact the following Department Nationally. Scamwatch is part of the ACCC
For more information on pet scams and signs you may have come across one, please see IPATA’s information page: